These are verbal or written statements filed at the Notary Public in which the existence of certain facts is assured under oath.
Attend personally to the Notary
Bring the citizenship card
Bring the written statement for review by the Notary or give the verbal version.
Can be obtained the in the same day
Cost Yes, according to the rates.
The Notary 68 of Bogota provides the service of sworn declarations for all type of legal requirement. If you wish you can see the formats that we have in order to illustrate the documents and data that you must have ready to be able to notarize your statements.
- Declaración Juramentada cuando no se declara renta. ( When imcome is declared)
- Declaración Juramentada de Convivencia ( Sworn declaration of coexistence with someone else)
- Declaración Juramentada de Convivencia conyuge fallecido (Sworn declaration of dead Partner)
- Declaracion de Fallecimiento para pensiones y Bancos ( Sworn declaration of death to be given to Banks and Pension Entities)
- Declaración de Soltería del Ejercito ( Sworn declaration of being single)
- Declaracion de Vida ante los Bancos ( Sworn declaration of existence for Banks)
- Declaracion de Alimentos por embarazo Ley 311 ( Sworn declaration for Food due to Pregnancy)
- Declaración de no tener seguro contra todo riesgo en vehiculos ( Sworn declaration of lacking car insurance covering all risks.