If you wish to start the Apostille process for a document originating in the
Notary 68 of Bogota,
such as civil registries, or Colombian documents originated at Notary 68 of Bogotá please follow these instructions...
Apostille Process at Notary Public 68 Bogota
If you require a civil registry with an apostille to be used and in another country, you must follow the following process that starts at Notary Public 68 Bogotá.
1. Go to the notary with a copy or complete data from the Civil Registry previuosly obtained or registered in Notary 68 Bogotá.
2. Request an authenticated copy of it on the first floor.
3. Pay $8,000 pesos. And request at the time of payment to also start of the apostille from the Notary with an additional value of $18,000 pesos.
4. Obtain the copy of the Civil Registry.
5. Go up to the third floor of Notary 68 and request the digitalization service of your document with the Colombian Chancellery.
6. Give the document to the lady who forwards your document to the Colombian Chancellery.
7. When she sends the document, she will receive a number on a sheet, which you must take into account to enter the website of the Chancellery when making the Apostille.
8. Later from your computer you must go to this link https://tramites.cancilleria.gov.co/apostillalegalizacion/solicitud/inicio.aspx
9. Select "Digitized Documents" ( Documento Digitalizado)
10. Fill in all the fields required.
11. Pay online by PSE or Debit Card
12. Receive your digitalized document by return email along with the Apostille of your document.
13. The apostille comes with a number and is also in PDF format to obtain copies of it if necessary in the future.
14. Print the document and use it for the procedure you want to carry out outside of Colombia
15. Remember that the Apostille is valid for signatory countries of The Hague Convention, of which Colombia is a member.